lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

GlucoWise. Non-Invasive Glucose Tester For 2018

  • Q1 – Does GlucoWise™ measure blood glucose levels?
  • Yes. Our technology enables the blood glucose concentration to be measured at the capillary level. This means that GlucoWise™ is more accurate than other non-invasive methods which measure the amount of glucose at the level of the skin, where there is limited blood present, or using other body fluids such as interstitial fluid.

  • Q2 – How does GlucoWise™ measure my blood glucose levels without taking any blood?
  • The glucose levels are extracted by a non-invasive technique which transmits low-power radio waves through a section of the human body, such as the area between the thumb and forefinger or the earlobe. These areas have adequate blood supply and are thin enough for waves to pass through the tissue. These signals are then received by a sensor on the opposite side of the GlucoWise device, where the data about the characteristics of the blood within the flesh are collected and analysed.

  • Q3 – How is the GlucoWise™ technology different from the competition?
  • GlucoWise™ utilised two unique technologies to achieve unprecedented accuracy in non-invasive glucose measurements. First, we utilise high-frequency radio waves around the 65 GHz range. These waves are large enough to allow penetration through the tissue, yet simultaneously small enough to provide sufficient resolution of the blood regions inside the tissue. Second, our sensors have integrated nano-composite films which temporarily make the skin transparent to the radio waves when a measurement is initiated. This ensures consistent readings across all people independent of age, or skin type and colour.

  • Q4 – What is the current status? When will it be available to order?
  • GlucoWise™ is currently in development and will be available to purchase once clinical trials are completed. We expect to start taking pre-orders in late 2016.

  • Q5 – How safe is my data?
  • The highest security measures are being integrated into the GlucoWise™ system to ensure that each user’s data is completely safe and never shared with third parties unless explicitly allowed. To protect the glucose data it is digitally encrypted and then transmitted via Bluetooth 4.0 technology to a smartphone or tablet. It can then be automatically uploaded to a secure database online or, if the user does not have a smartphone, it can be transferred to a computer via a USB port. Both the associated app and database are password protected so the data can only be accessed by the user, however the user can choose to allow selected data to be shared with medical professionals, family or friends.

  • Q6 – How will the accuracy of the device be tested?
  • This process will vary depending on the country in which the device is purchased. In Europe the device will be regulated as a Class IIa Medical Device. According to the Medical Device Definitions (93/42/EEC as revised by 2007/47/EC) the device will conform to the relevant essential requirements of Annex I of the Medical Device Definitions for safety and performance-related device features. In addition, all clinical trials will need to conform to European Clinical Trials Directive (2001/20/EC). The tests will fully evaluate the safety aspects that would be involved with long-term usage of the device.

GlucoWise: the product.

A complete solution...

Pain-free Sensor

This non-invasive, wireless device will take an accurate blood glucose reading every few seconds – as often as the user requires. It is positioned to gently squeeze the skin between the thumb and forefinger or the earlobe to measure blood glucose levels. The device then displays the reading in real-time on the screen.

Mobile App

An easy to use, all-in-one support tool to help you track your day-to-day glucose levels. The information collected by the monitor can be uploaded wirelessly to the mobile app, allowing you to track your readings over time and merge it with other information impacting your blood glucose levels.
Data collected will ultimately integrate with other databases and mobile health apps and platforms, with the appropriate permissions.

Smart Cloud

Our cloud-based data management system will allow you to store historical Glucowise™ data and consolidate it with other data sources.
If you do not have the Glucowise™ mobile app, your information can still be uploaded directly to our smart cloud through any computer USB port.

The Facts


Over 90% of people with diabetes would welcome continuous blood glucose monitoring whilst driving and during sports or other physical activity.

GlucoWise: take control.

Take control

There are many situations whereby conventional testing is challenging. Often people with diabetes will unnecessarily expose themselves to dangerous levels of glucose rather than take the risk of having a sudden hypoglycemic event.
Long-term exposure to high blood sugar levels can cause serious long-term health issues. Glucowise™ minimises this problem by allowing quick, non-invasive, portable and continuous monitoring so you can regain control of your insulin dosing and glucose levels throughout the day and night.


Imagine having a sudden hypoglycemic event whilst driving. With Glucowise™ you will be able to avoid situations where you are unable to test before driving or when you are stuck in traffic jams and can not get off the road. Our portable sensor means that you will be able to safely monitor your glucose levels in almost any situation and be alerted to potential danger.


As a person with diabetes, it is important to exercise but often the fear of rapid glucose consumption is a deterrent. Glucowise™ will allow you to enjoy exercise without the worry as you can continuously test both before and during sport. We are testing the device to ensure it works effectively in a wide range of climates, humidities and temperatures so you are free to snowboard or jog as much as you please.


As a parent or carer it is tempting to under-dose your child or patient with insulin when they will be away from you to avoid hypoglycemia. Glucowise™ will be able to send readings back to your mobile app even when you are not present. You can be constantly aware of your child or patient’s glucose levels and can ensure appropriate actions can be taken.

Night time

One of the most dangerous times for people with diabetes is at night. Traditional testing is not convenient and can get in the way of a good night’s sleep. Glucowise™ could be set to remind you when to test both during the day and night. Being so rapid, painless and simple, you will be back in the land of dreams before you even know it.

GlucoWise: The key Benefits

Imagine Living Pain-free

Glucowise™ is a non-invasive, 100% pain-free device that makes traditional blood sampling a thing of the past. Our unique sensor technology will allow you to monitor blood glucose levels without the need to pierce your skin.

Imagine Living Safe

Simple yet highly reliable, Glucowise™ will exceed industry standards for self-monitoring blood glucose accuracy. You will be able to sample as often as you like and wherever you like, ensuring you avoid sudden hypoglycemic events.

Imagine Living Smart

Our App and Smart Cloud technology delivers personalised advice and alerts, helping you to fully manage your condition. Intelligent analytics will use your current and historical data to calculate and forecast immediate trends in your blood glucose levels, allowing you to adjust your food or medication intake according to your activities or how you are feeling.

Imagine Living Economically

Glucowise™ will offer unlimited testing without the need for costly consumables, so you can test as often as you like without having to worry about the cost or pain.

Imagine Living Discreetly

The compact design will offer you high levels of privacy. It will take no more than 10 seconds to provide a simple, fast and highly discrete testing experience – anytime, anywhere. The data can then sent wirelessly and securely to your smartphone or tablet.

GlucoWise - Blood glucose meters

When will GlucoWise™ be available on the market?
GlucoWise™ will be available to purchase once clinical trials are completed. The manufacturer expects to start taking pre-orders in late 2018.
Pain-free Sensor
This non-invasive, wireless device will take an accurate blood glucose reading every few seconds – as often as the user requires. It is positioned to gently squeeze the skin between the thumb and forefinger or the earlobe to measure blood glucose levels. The device then displays the reading in real-time on the screen.
Mobile App
An easy to use, all-in-one support tool to help you track your day-to-day glucose levels. The information collected by the monitor can be uploaded wirelessly to the mobile app, allowing you to track your readings over time and merge it with other information impacting your blood glucose levels.
Data collected will ultimately integrate with other databases and mobile health apps and platforms, with the appropriate permissions.
Smart Cloud
Cloud-based data management system will allow people to store historical Glucowise™ data and consolidate it with other data sources.
If you do not have the Glucowise™ mobile app, your information can still be uploaded directly to our smart cloud through any computer USB port.
This device has such main advantages as:
• Pain-free living: it is a 100% pain-free device with a unique sensor technology which will allow a Glucowise™ user to monitor blood glucose level without the need to pierce the skin.
• Smart living: the device will provide a full management of a person condition because of delivery of personalized advice and alerts.
• Safe living: Glucowise™ user will be able to measure glucose level as often as it is needed avoiding sudden hypoglycemic events.
• Discreetly living: the product has a compact design, what will allow a user to have high privacy. Testing duration approximately takes up to 10 seconds and send information to directly to a user's smartphone or tablet. The user can do testing everywhere and anytime he needs it.
On the official website, there are examples of daily life events of a portable non-invasive Glucowise™ device as a good problems solver because tests can be made in traffic jams while driving, doing sports, parenting, sleeping, etc. To learn more about these daily life situations please visit the official website of Glucowise™ - 
FACTS. On the official website, you can find an infographic with some facts about Glucowise™.
Have you known that:
- Over 90% of respondents would like to have a possibility to take their blood glucose test during various activities such as: driving, doing sports, working, walking, and so on.
- Over 90% of people with diabetes spend more than 800 pounds each year for test strips for blood glucose monitors.
- If there was a possibility to take blood glucose test without pain it would be more convenient way to do this as 56% of respondents would do glucose test approximately 10 times a day.
You can find more information with accurate numbers.
At the FAQs section on the official website, you can find comprehensive answers to many questions. If you wonder, how Glucowise™ accuracy will be measured, how to save data, when the device will be available for ordering or what main advantages comparing with competitors Glucowise™ device has,  that channel will be the accurate answer box for you.

GlucoWise: el santo grial de los glucometros.

El santo grial de los medidores de azúcar para diabéticos es el uso de un medidor no invasivo, es decir, que no requiera pinchazo de sangre.

Por experiencia un pinchazo de vez en cuando da igual, pero 4 o más al día es algo muy molesto, doloroso y complicado de hacer si no estás en un entorno conocido.

Otro de los factores negativos de los sistemas actuales de medición de azúcar en sangre es el coste económico, las tiras reactivas son muy caras (una caja te sale por 40 €) y ya las pagues tú o tu seguro el coste es elevado -duele más si las pagas directamente de tu cuenta del banco-.

GlucoWise es un medidor no invasivo que está en fase de desarrollo que no va a necesitar ni una gota de tu sangre para saber el nivel de azúcar que tienes en ese momento. De una manera indolora y sin necesidad de cambiar el sensor para cada toma permitirá conocer tu nivel de glucosa.

¿Cómo funciona? GlucoWise lanza ondas de radio a través de una zona de la mano (entre el pulgar y el índice) que tiene buena irrigación sanguínea. Estas ondas son recibidas por un sensor en el lado opuesto del emisor, estos datos son recogidos y analizados y nos informan del nivel de azúcar en la sangre.

GlucoWise promete que la edad, el tipo de piel o su color no suponen un problema para la calidad de sus medidas, tanto las ondas de radio que emiten (65 Ghz) como el sensor están preparados para sortear estos problemas.

La empresa que lo está desarrollando (Mediwise) espera lanzarlo al mercado a finales de 2018 cuando hayan pasado las pertinentes pruebas médicas.

GlucoWise: a new non invaisive glucometer.

Recent miniaturisation efforts in wireless technology have paved the way for the development of unobtrusive medical devices that can be included in the clothing or on the surface of the human body to provide ‘always on’ connectivity. These constantly connected devices can transmit information via base stations and smartphones directly to the patient or to a medical expert over the internet providing immediate diagnosis and feedback. MediWise is currently developing a wearable non-invasive glucose sensing system called GlucoWise for poeple with diabetes that  transmits the patient’s glucose levels. The device provides a ‘set-it-and-forget-it’ glucose monitoring method that helps diabetes patients to adjust their insulin intake in an efficient and hassle-free manner.
Still in development, it is due to come to market in 2017. Speaking for the company, Matthew Khoory says, “We want people to know about what we’re working on, sharing the story of where we are now in the development of this product as well as the journey ahead of us. We’re talking to the diabetes community and asking them about their needs and preferences. By giving us their views they help guide us to design a glucose monitor that people will want to own and use. We have a few years before we have a product on the market but we can’t do enough of this.”
The GlucoWise product aims to address the daily pain of blood testing, it measures blood glucose using a unique sensor and a nano-film. Says Khoory, “Our aim is to simply eliminate the need for finger-prickers and make testing painless. While still in the R&D (research and development) phase, it’s formidable technology that works by passing low-power radio waves through the body . It’s got the added bonuses of being relatively affordable, and comfortable – actually painless.”
Electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies can be used to detect blood glucose, however, our skin acts as a natural barrier and reflects most of these waves. Therefore, the challenge with this technique is having sufficient penetration of these waves through the body to give a reliable reading. MediWise’s metamaterial thin-film layer enables increased penetration to overcome this issue. A film the thickness of a human hair can made up of more than 40 layers – that is the nature of the metamaterial being developed for this sensor to be able to measure glucose levels in the blood.
The metamaterial technology was initially developed to enable a novel diagnostic imaging technique, using safe radio waves instead of ionizing x-rays. Then, 18 months ago, new miniaturized technology emerged that could work at the optimal frequency range for glucose, this made the potential for the monitor viable in terms of portability.
Used in optics, layers of metamaterials can, for example, be used on glass to reduce the weight of spectacles or contact lenses, or even telescopes. If that’s a bit sci-fi, then try this… they can even lead to ‘invisibility cloaks’… heard of the Invisible Man, or Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak? Metamaterials make it possible to bend light around an object making it seem that it’s not there, so these seemingly preposterous sci-fi scenarios are in fact within the realms of probability.
Cnoga* is a non-invasive system from an Israeli tech company which is already on the market complete with a CE mark for use by people with Type 2 diabetes (it’s possibly not accurate enough for gaining the tight control for T1s). It also uses light. Your finger goes into a port on the meter, which then beams light through the finger, reading the glucose level in the process. It proves you can use parts of the electromagnetic system to read the amount of glucose in the blood.
MediWise uses a vaguely similar method with a different band of frequencies to detect glucose in the bloodstream though the skin between the finger and thumb.
At the moment, most of the work on the GlucoWise meter is still going on in the lab. What is, at present, a big computer needs to be shrunk down to a portable size and have two sensors embedded to beam radiowaves back and forth in order to get readings through the skin. It is being specifically designed to work on the skin between the thumb and the forefinger. Few areas on the body will do, one other being the earlobe, as these areas of skin are thin enough to fit between the two sensors allowing the light for the sensors to be able to penetrate through it.

GlucoWise. Non-Invasive Glucose Tester For 2018

Q1 – Does GlucoWise™ measure blood glucose levels? Yes. Our technology enables the blood glucose concentration to be measured at the...